That’s why I need an Android emulator for android studio. I test a bunch of android emulators in windows 10 such as Droid4x, Bluestacks, GameLoop, LDPlayer, etc. And finally I found a free emulator which is the best for android studio. And the emulator is Nox player. Nox player is also available for Mac OS so this is a plus point for us. Android Studio is Google’s recommended app development software. If you are an app developer, you might have this installed on your PC or Mac computer already. Included in this developer toolkit is the Android Studio Emulator, which is part of this suite of Android app development tools.
When I am running a project the emulator is taking too much of time and all of sudden it is crashing. My set-up is MAC OS X version 10.7.3, eclipse indigo, android-sdk 4.0.3.
I dont have any audio devices connected to my MAC system, as few of you have suggested to remove the USB audio plug before emulator boots up and plug it again when the emulator has fully loaded.
On eclipse am getting this error msg : emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'org.ingenyous.basicphonegap.BasicPhonegapActivity activity launch'!
Android Studio Emulator Mac Download
And there is a pop-up msg from mac which says : emulator-arm quit unexpectedly
.Earlier everything was working fine. Any help will be much appreciated.
1 answers
Проверьте, если 4.0.3 (SDK и ARM образ системы) обновлен до последней версии.
The purpose of this section is to guide you to create in your development environment an Android emulator.
Android emulators are managed through a UI called AVD Manager
AVD Manager has a nice interface when started from Android Studio.
Start Android Studio app, then create a blank project.
Go to the Tools menu -> :Android -> AVD Manager:
If no emulator has been created you should start with this screen:
Click the Create Virtual Device button.
In the Select Hardware window , select Nexus 5 as shown in the following snapshot:
Click the Next button.
In the System Image, select the system image Nougat, API Level 25 , ABI x86 :
Click on the download link to download the selected System Image. This download process is done through SDK Manager.
Once the download is complete, click on the Next button.
In the Verify Configuration window, check any parameter :
Then click on the Finish button.
AVD Manager shows you the newly created device:
Click on the launch button to launch the newly created AVD in the emulator.
Notice in the Run Window of Android Studio the command line used to start the device:
which can be shortened to : Imvu texture extractor for mac.
Archon Emulator
How to start Android Emulator from Terminal?
Stop the emulator started by Android Studio. Open the Terminal app and type the following command:
This should start the emulator with the selected AVD.